The DLC middle school program offers a traditional classroom environment with a 10 to 1 student/teacher ratio, as well as one-on-one math instruction within a self-contained classroom. In addition, DLC offers specialty area teachers in all subjects. DLC helps to motivate students to achieve their goals using strong academics but in a less pressured, positive school environment.
The middle school provides a full curriculum including electives. The curriculum is tailored to each student’s individual needs. We offer additional programs designed to meet the needs of the learning-differenced and the accelerated student, as well as students on the autism spectrum.
A traditional classroom environment (10:1 student/teacher ratio) with a full curriculum including electives
English (Reading, Vocabulary, Composition, Grammar, Reading Comprehension), Mathematics, Sciences, Social Studies, Spanish, Physical Education, Art/Music, and organizational skills
Students benefit from learning through genuine understanding and application of knowledge. Students learn at a natural pace with set deadlines.
Every Friday, 4 hours is reserved for experiential learning / field trips.
Approximately 30 minutes per night
At the request of parent or administration; open house twice per year
Students may stay at DLC as late as 5:00 for pick up at no additional charge.
8:30 am to 3:30 pm Monday through Thursday; 8:30 am to 2:00 pm Friday
8:00 am to 4:00 pm Monday through Friday
Bring sack lunch. Refrigerator, freezer, and microwave ovens available. Pizza served on Thursdays
Casual (see policy manual for specifics). No uniforms
Laptops available for student use
Students read novels of their choice, at their own pace, twenty minutes per day. They do book reports to rate the novel.
Positive, accepting, friendly environment
Students can receive merits to purchase privileges and demerits, which can result in loss of privileges.
- This class includes composition, grammar, vocabulary, spelling, and editing.
- This class focuses on reading and analysis of all forms of literature.
- This class is experiment-based with lecture to develop note-taking skills.
- Students learn about our world through lecture (with note taking), discussion, guest speakers, and videos.
- The individualized curriculum is taught one-on-one in a self-contained classroom.
- Each student's homework sheet is filled out daily with teacher supervision.
- P.E. is taught by a DLC teacher at Heights Recreation Center. This class includes ten minutes on the exercise machines and thirty minutes of basketball or athletic games.
- Spanish vocabulary is taught through games and discussions thirty minutes per day.
- Art techniques are taught across mediums through hands-on learning in a relaxed setting.
- This class focuses on projects to supplement Science, History, and English. Projects are done at school, not at home.
Examples include:
- Physical (rock climbing, swimming, skating, etc.)
- Educational (Perot Museum, Dallas Children's Theater, art museums, etc.)
- Community Service (North Texas Food Bank, Heifer Int., Samaritan Inn, etc.)